Monday, August 02, 2004

Komputer Ohh Komputer

Aiyaaaa manyak sedey looor... I donno why my computer isn't working...cannot connect laa that i can't blurb in this lovely blog haiyaaa...aku add entry nih kat opis jek hehe skang nih baru kol 6.30 ptg...another meeting with my CEO. Baru habis meeting... yang beshnye bleh plak meeting pasal Akademi Fantasia kwang3x... cun lah CEO aku tuh...nak tergelak pon iye jugak...Dok discuss about new staff and other issues alih2 masuk plak pasal AF.Dier tak pueh hati naper Linda yang kuar hehehhehe lawak tol. Beshlah CEO aku tuh.... lepas tu ape ek...ermm lepas banyak sessi membasuh akulaa hakhak kene rendam ngan klorok kuikuikui

I met him last saturday....Aktiviti biasalaa yg kitorang buat sebelum nih tgk wayang, pi lunch...mcm biasa....takder aper yg's just that sometimes aku bebetul terasa dgn aper yg dier ckp.....susah jugak ek jadik org yg cam aku nih....fragile...must handle with care hehhehe cepat sgt terasa lepas tu suka simpan sorang2...kenapalah aku jadik camnih skang nih ekk....aku rase dulu aku tak yeke? ntahlah... i'm not sure... eheh takpela...aku nih pun nothin dlm idop dier.... so there's no issues bout it..... errmm tetiber rase useless plak iskisk.....

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